GPH3 Run #1493: The A(nal) G(rand) M(ockery)
: 04/07/2022
: The parking lot of the Randall Museum on Museum Way off of Roosevelt Way
: Manhole
: Tongueless

Run #1493 Still Crazy After All These Years!

Most hashes have an AGM meaning an Annual General Meeting where the Mismanagement Committee changes but to paraphrase the great bandit Alfonso Bedoya, “We don’ need no stinking Committee!” so the Gypsies have what AGM really stands for, Anal Grand Mockery. The first Gypsies trail was April 1, 1973, and since then the AGM has been the first Thursday in April. Manhole laid the 28th AGM on 4/7 from what has become the usual spot, the parking lot for the Randall Museum. In all those years the hashers’ favorite word, “FREE” has never changed so you can guess what the AGM charged! The pack gathered and Jack The Ripper almost had a heart attack when he heard it was free! As he tucked his money back into his wallet Wrinkle Pecker said the news took out the wrinkles and wouldn’t that please Cosmic Pussy. As they arrived the pack was more than happy to have the keg of Lagunitas Maximus Colossal Ale tapped so they could start guzzling the FREE piss early! Just Elke and Just Atta were distraught, they’d planned not to drink since having skated on the DUI incident and yet here was all that beer and at the right price. Let’s just say that the “best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft a-gley “. The dynamic duo of Backside Banger and Adopt A Pussy felt no such constraints and were happy to pound the piss a plenty! ChicagoH3 thinking of opening a new department store in SF sent Mommy’s Cuming to check out the lay of the land. Speaking of our visitor, MC felt the need to immerse himself in the “real” San Francisco experience, so he preached his creed to the Gypsies from the Male Missal. MC’s words were both heartfelt and in the case of Cockulus Oculus hard felt! 5 Angry Inches offered to let his hard be felt. His generosity knows no bounds. You can be forgiven for sensing that this was going to be one of those nights. MH showing his concern for the pack actually called them together and standing on a curb, towering over the miscreants gave them a chalktalk. Not that it provided any useful information or that the pack paid any attention, let’s be real! Our hare had, as is becoming common, set a Turkey/Eagle and Walker’ trail but they all started in the same direction. The Lost Patrol had to secure the keg etc. so was off to its usual slow start. Both 5150, CSI, and Twinkle Dick cast their lots in with the LP. Trail took all and sundry down the long ramp past the tennis courts and out to Flint St. Trail skirted Corona Heights Park on 15th St. Speaking of the real SF experience the pack passed a couple of cars with signs that said, “Car is unlocked so don’t break the window and nothing of value inside”. ABBAA who doesn’t believe everything he reads had to check and true, there was nothing worth him taking. With Easter fast approaching trail took the pack past a house that had so many Easter Eggs that Tri Crapalete wondered if the Easter Bunny lived there, TC might have had a smidge too much Maximus before hitting trail. Trail turned up Buena Vista Ave. E before climbing steps to get to Buena Vista Park. MH didn’t think that was going to be hilly enough for the likes of Blow Queen, so he took the pack over Tank Hill and Kite Hill before turning them back to the start. Bitches Bitch did the whole Eagle trail hoping to find someone to rescue but alas even Hand Pump returned intact. When the pack got back, they found the keg already tapped and under the Cloak Of Invisibility and a Sacred Bucket filled with River Madness, assuring “one of those nights”! Dr, Kimble quickly fell under the spell of the Bucket but as Just Asia pointed out he didn’t actually hit the pavement very hard. The pack was thrilled to do their best vulture impression when Fits In brought out the sandwiches created by Café Cruiser. Wash This Asshole and Cheese Turd picked this moment to arrive, and it was only a split second before their cheeks were stuffed like a squirrel on meth socking away nuts. Ultra Head also picked this as a fine time to arrive, but she was dainty by comparison. Lois Lame was thrilled that even though BB hadn’t had to rescue anyone he could display his manhood by defending the veggie sandwiches. Pied Piper had the temerity to wedge a veggie in his mouth, but BB wiped the smile off his face! Tongueless took up the Sword Of Power and gave the evening its true meaning as he called for the pack to swear its undying fealty to their liege lady Chickenboner the Little Queen. The pack knelt as one, Dr. K was already on the ground, and swore their fealty. Who’s Your Daddy and Just Ted AKA The Other Bastard knelt so quickly they collided and Just Fuck Off thought T was going over to the Fire Department truck that had pulled in because he was seeking assistance for the lads. JFO was of course wrong, T was just making sure they had no problem with the less than sober behavior of the pack. No worries, they thought the pack was hysterical. Happily, the WYD and JTAKATOB were both standing albeit with assistance and the festivities continued. The keg farted its way to oblivion, the Sacred Bucket was drained, and all the food disappeared. It had been one of those evenings. Cheers.