GPH3 Run #407: My, Ben Gay, How You've Changed!
: 01/18/2001
: Unknown
: Bone Marrow
: Tongueless

Run #407 My, Ben Gay, How You’ve Changed!

Bone Marrow did a swell job imitating Ben Gay last Thursday. Hardly anyone noticed that the hare was shorter, blonder, and had better legs than the expected. Bone Marrow was amazing not only did she impersonate Ben Gay brilliantly but who else could have set a trail starting at Glen Park and avoid ever going into the park. Probably the most challenging part of the evening was finding parking. Sparkle Plenty once again gracing the Gypsies with her presence solved the problem by simply smashing two other cars out of the way and shouting “Rental” as she leaped from her vehicle. Bigfoot and Enter The Gerbil provided some new meat for the grinder in the person of Karen. Called forward to give the evening’s service the lanky brunette gave a by the numbers reading of the Sacred Missal that left many a limp dick in the crowd. With no wood to chop the pack was on-on. Trail led up O’Shaughnessy to Malta where it began one of its seemingly never ending climbs. By the time he finally reached the summit of the trail T/BC ‘s heart was banging like a drum and the night air was rent by his plaintive whining. Even Duncan and Parker were tired from dragging the behemoth up that last hill. Sadly the last hill turned out to be the next to the last hill or was that the next to the next to the last hill. Not that D’anglin A’nglin noticed since he was somewhere in Colma having taken one of his sadly flawed short cuts. Even though he’s the first to admit that he doesn’t know his ass from his earlobe I R Stupid won’t follow D’anglin. While D’anglin was occupied looking for Wyatt Earp’s grave the rest of the pack was pouring rum into the hot cider from the Sacred Thermi. Fits In noticed that Gets It In The End and Throbbing Vessel were downing them two at a time and wondered what was causing the increased alcohol intake. Gets It tossed back yet another and mumbled “ the kids please don’t make me go home.” Shaggy Dog wasn’t bothering with the cider just tossing down rum as a painkiller. His mouth was dripping pus that he claimed was caused by an abscess but that ear to ear grin on Snakeless’s face led many to wonder. Open Wide allowed as how she wouldn’t go near that mouth even in a full biohazard suit. Prince Regent, Enter The Gerbil, administered the down-downs wearing a jester’s cap and bells. Gerbil was ably assisted by Bigfoot who acted as both serving and singing wench giving her precious little time to be belching wench but she was able to work in a few good ones. By that point Dickless Namehole was so far gone that he thought the bells were the tinkling of fairies. First down-downs went to Dick Chick and Craig who were in a hurry to leave. Apparently Dick Chick had promised Craig that he could tie her up this week. Jackoff got one for telling his boss that if they weren’t going to pay him that he quit. Semenhole finally admitted that he was sharing his bed with Llyr. A shocked No Hands instructed Sammy never to play with him again. Number 2 from WhiteHouseH3 averred that while he preferred a woman but would settle for any port in a storm and toasted Semenhole’s honesty. It’s unclear whether Semenhole was ever able to correct the misconception. Phone Sex seemed fascinated by the whole discourse and Manhole swears he heard her mumbling about getting a Great Dane. Pete who’d had a few told her to forget about Danes and offered to show her what an Australian could do. All this was too much for Shithead who quietly slumped to the ground without spilling a drop of his drink. The pack eventually hustled over to the Miraloma Club for pizza and more beer. Cheers.