GPH3 Run #406: It Never Rains on Duct Tape
: 01/11/2001
: Unknown
: I R Stupid
: Tongueless

Run #406 It Never Rains on Duct Tape

It rained, it poured, it pissed and then it stopped. Of course it stopped it was time for the Gypsies, favorites of the Hashing Gods. No one in their right mind expected anyone to show up and no one in their right mind did. Had they cloned I R Stupid? Now there’s a frightening thought. On closer inspection it was clear that the only thing the pack shared was the same level of stupidity and fondness for alcohol as I R. Enter The Gerbil gathered the loons at the Willie Brown Parking Memorial at the west end of Kezar Stadium where B W (Before Willie) Arguello crossed Kezar Drive. Desperate to silence the plaintive whining of Bigfoot and Scarlett O’Hairy for a male preacher the Sacred Missal was proffered to Houseboy a Whine and Chowder wanker of the first caliber. He proceeded to give a sermon that would have won him acolytes in the Castro. Just how odd he was should have been apparent when he referred to Snakeless as “that gentleman.” Luckily he never got introduced to virgin Just Head or it could have gotten ugly. Trail crossed into the park and meandered hither and yon with an emphasis on the yon. Gerbil, ever the dreamer, had announced a new set of marks leaving Naked Hasher burbling to himself in fear. When one reaches his ripe old age new information does get a tad scary to process. Trail left the park and meandered through the Haight to Buena Vista Park disappearing into its dark bowels. King Rongjon, T/BC, Fits In, and Just Don along with the ever faithful Duncan and Parker chose exercise their minds rather than their legs and get into the head of the hare. Duncan and Parker came closest. While others were slogging through the park in search of trail the wiser heads skirted the issue and searched for trail back on the streets. They were rewarded with a brilliant shortcut that brought them to home and hooch in a timely manner. Glory Hole had an even better idea and just showed up to drink. Of course he was wearing shorts so he could claim that he meant to *un. The sharpest knife in the drawer was Likes To Lick who spent the evening in the Kezar then walked over to the piss up. Those not so fortunate spent a swell time wandering around places like Corona Heights. The three not so wisemen Snakeless, D’anglin A’nglin, and Scrumbag had a splendid time imitating lost sheep. Time away from alcohol was no problem for Snakeless who is doing a superb King Rongjon on the wagon impression. The dynamic duo must be a real hit at their AA meetings. Snakeless will do anything to try to meet a bimb. Apparently he assumed that any woman at AA would be too drunk to notice his wrinkles and thinning hair. For those still trying to send their liver into space the Sacred Thermi were filled with Hot Toddy mix to be supplemented with whisky from a plastic bottle, no sane person would let a hasher near a glass whiskey bottle. Shaggy Dog provided living proof as he knocked bottle over not to worry since Dickless Namehole believes waste not want not and was there to lap it up. Gerbil once more swung the Sword Of Power aplomb and delivered down-downs to the deserving. Phone Sex and Manhole missed all this since they were still out on trail lost and alone, and Manhole is a married man. While their humans were drinking Llyr, Badger, and Elliot were at it again leaving Semenhole, Drill Me, and McTaco trying to hang onto to their pooches with one hand and their piss with the other. Open Wide was busy slugging it down and explaining to Likes To Lick that she was still sore from the night before and isn’t that just one for the imagination. MTM from the KievH3 was still wondering when we use the duct tape on the hare when the crowd headed to the Kezar to get warm and even more wasted. Cheers.