GPH3 Run #434: Confession is Good for the Soul
: 07/26/2001
: Unknown
: Ben Gay
: Tongueless

Run #434 Confession is Good for the Soul

Macbeth would have loved the setting for last week’s Gypsies’ trail. The sky above Rodeo Beach was dark and the wind was roiling the clouds. Ben Gay looking like a very upscale warlock was keeping the pot boiling. Luckily instead of eye of newt and wing of bat this pot contained Bone Marrow’s chili. Still since Gypsies eat like vultures the theme was being maintained. On such a night religion was definitely called for and was provided by Alissa, she of Night of the Stinkbomb. Our less than virginal reader did some stirring of her own and it wasn’t pots. Sacred Missal in hand she plowed enough sodden furrows to start a plantation, her grace note bump and grind had both of D’anglin Anglin’s tails standing up and taking notice. With Bone Marrow ostensibly still out on trail Ben Gay sent the pack on-on with a vague wave of his hand and a cavalier “It starts over there.” The pack shot off only to become bogged down in sand. Once cleared of the sandtrap trail scooted up a narrow ridge to a fire road leading to one of old WWII bunkers. At this point T/BC, Fits In, Bigfoot, and Alissa spotted the hare. Waving them over she said that the trail looped around the bunkers before cuming back and on-in so shortcutting was highly conceivable. Sadly for T/BC the women wanted the views and Whippet In and Whippet Out siding with the treat providing gender dragged him along in the hopes of currying favor. While the rest of pack was headed in with visions of cocktails dancing in their heads the minipack was ogling the landscape while T/BC cursed Adam’s rib. Eventually the pack was reunited only to find Drill Me once again the center of attention. Badger taking advantage of the environs apparently decided to dine on surf and turf consuming first one of the surfers’ dogs then a portion of the argumentative surfer. Luckily Dead Dick was available to stitch them both back together but not before Open Wide pried his mouth open to check the lad’s teeth as a potential patient. The shocked surfer was convinced not to press charges when Drill Me leaned down and whispered in his ear that she knew where he lived. On the other hand Badger’s actions so moved Bitch In Heat that Drill Me may end up with puppies. Nutless Sac throwing caution to the winds finally pried them apart. Bitch’s activities clearly set Chickless Boner to thinking about taking that big step up from necrophilia to bestiality. Bigfoot and Fits In giggled that it wouldn’t matter since it would be just another kind of living mammal turning him down. Clearly the Mai-Tais in the Sacred Bucket were getting the juices flowing. Dipsea Shit having *un for the sake of the corpora sana fled the alcoholic scene to protect the mens sana leaving more food and drink for the less squeamish. Bellies full of chili the pack settled into the bleachers and chanted for Enter The Gerbil to don his Fool’s Cap and start the circle. KC had only done a minimal number of down-downs when she decided to change careers and become a performance artist. Chili covering her lithe legs she declared herself to be Woman as Meal. Likes To Lick having done a few cups of his own lived up to his name and sloppily desecrated the work of art. Never passing up a chance Scarlett O’Hairy dumped chili and cheese into her lap but before LTL could move on it Whippet In and Whippet Out left Scarlett sighing that bestiality is indeed best. By now darkness had descended fully and Wankers Island pointed out the aura surrounding Dick Chick. Cup in hand she gleefully announced to the world “That’s no aura that’s my just fucked glow.” She then went on to proudly and loudly confess that she’d had her oil changed, been saddled up and taken over the jumps, been rode hard and put away wet, made the beast with two backs, and been uprooting trees, shrubs and flowers. She had definitely been wearing those Viking Horns upon her head. Gerbil gave her five down-downs and a dozen ziggy zaggies as penance. Cheers.