GPH3 Run #1488: Daddy says. “The Restroom is the Best Room”!
: 03/03/2022
: Golden Gate Park at the Chain of Lakes Restrooms
: Who’s Your Daddy
: Tongueless

Run #1488 Le Tour de Toilette

Who’s Your Daddy, the Gucci of le toilettes broke open March for the Gypsies with a trail that conveyed his esoteric knowledge and provided the pack with a “catwalk” trail of the best crappers in Golden Gate Park. Those like One Night Only and Cheese Turd owe WYD a debt of gratitude that is more than they will realize until, that is, they find themselves in GGP in sudden need of relief. Our hare gathered the pack together at the palatial pissoir by JFK, Dr. At first the pack seemed small since there were rumors that there might be rain, a fairly unheard-of possibility. Dr. Kimble declared that the only rain was gonna be that personal rain caused by drinking the keg of Lagunitas Hazy Wonder and primed his pump with a pint. Exaggerated Crack and Choke Your Daddy also laughed at the idea since their personal barometer, Jerk Your Daddy was rolling over for his belly rubs and not showing any sign of expecting rain, something he despises. The pack had no fear of melting but coward that he is, Tongueless played it safe by allowing the pack to eschew religion in favor of missing any dripping from the sky. Wash This Asshole was pleased as punch since it meant he wouldn’t need to slink around to avoid being in a career cancelling video. Trail took the pack past the pissoir and into the woods. Across Chain of Lakes Dr. E the pack went through the parking lot of the first stop on the tour and Fits In oooed and ahhed at the edifice. Manhole clenched to avoid any need to make use of the place. Trail took the pack past the Equestrian Center and around the Angling Pond. When the pack finally emerged from the woods there to the side was the next stop on the tour and what a pissoir it was, THREE units, Men, Women and One Size Fits All! Blow Queen was awestruck! Pied Piper had to lift BQ’s jaw off the concrete. The pack could barely pull itself away! Trail took the pack in the woods besides MKL Jr. Dr. T and FI along with PP decided to take the path less followed and cut through the Playground on 45th Ave., this is the playground with the blue rowboat on display. It was still unlikely that an ark would be necessary but at least they knew where to find a boat. For those not in need of an Eagle the trail quickly came to an end and lo and behold the sky was dripping. Jack The Ripper and Hand Pump wondered aloud if this could be a sign of the Apocalypse then they were sure of it when Glory Hole showed up. It’s been so long since GH was at a Gypsies trail that clearly the end of world must be nigh but he explained he’d been in the park and we were at the nearest piss palace the sigh of relief from Ted AKA The Other Bastard was audible. The bit of showering stopped and the pack took to killing the keg and guzzling the hot wine filling the Sacred Thermi. The Vitamin J covering the Cloak Of Invisibility was steadily disappearing when T took up the Sword Of Power and convened yet another Circle where he could embarrass all concerned. Just Atta guzzled away and when called up for a down-down managed to sound to 5 Angry Inches as though he was proposing to Just Julie. 5AI pointed out that in the Gypsies the only kind of proposal is considered more propositioning. Just Julie was called up and interrogated about her experience being propositioned but played her cards close to the vest. JJ said the while JA’s “dating” line wasn’t the worst she’d ever heard he was certainly in the running. A halfhearted attempt was made to name JJ but failed. T declared a Stupid Watch for JJ and the pack will now be on her every word and action like flies on something other than honey, there is no escape for her. Jerk Your Daddy was nowhere to be seen since a drop of water had fallen on him and he’d whined so loudly that CYD had put him in the car. The Daddy clan takes care of each other. Cheers.