GPH3 Run #1489: Art is in the Eye of the Beholder!
: 03/10/2022
: The Palace of Fine Arts parking lot 3601 Lyon St.
: Chickenboner
: Tongueless

Run #1489 The Artsy Fartsy Crowd Gnaws on a Chickenboner!

Chickenboner, the Little Queen, knows her subjects well and catered to their love of the arts by calling the Gypsies together at the Palace of Fine Arts on Lyon St. Our hare was still out on trail as the pack dribbled in and parked along the back of the building. It wasn’t hard to recognize the pack since it consisted of the huge crowd standing around the Outbeer guzzling from the keg of Lagunitas IPA. CB’s fame as a hare extraordinaire has reached all the way to Guam where the hash sent Beta Bitch to see if her fame was deserved. Adopt A Pussy was thrilled that there was a beer he could drink and drink and drink etc. Our hare wanted the pack to park in the lot just off Lyon and, hey, the Outbeer started there and Just Fuck Off put her car there as well. Tongueless and Fits In, cowardly souls, um, well, one of them anyway, noticed that a chain could close the lot so moved the Outbeer around the building to parking for commoners. JFO, a born gambler, cast her fate the winds and stayed put! When Who’s Your Daddy heard that T had rung CB to ask about the parking situation he told her yet again, “You NEVER answer a call from T it will only make you crazy!” Backside Banger supported the move since it guaranteed the free flow of piss; he knows it’s all about priorities! Backwash pointed out that the crowd blocking the road as they pounded piss must have been too small for the law enforcers, who started to cruise by but turned around, to bother with. Missed Delivery and Tonya Hardon were having a hardon to get the show on the road so Beta Bitch honored the Gypsies with a reading from the Male Missal that could be heard all the way to Guam. Exaggerated Crack allowed that after that reading “Brent” may become the most popular name for a boy in Guam, but EC is kind of odd! Happily, Choke Your Daddy and Yank Me Daddy keep him grounded. In the interest of getting back to drink from the keg at a reasonable hour our hare cast the ne’er-do-wells into the night. While the rest of the pack set off around the museum the Lost Patrol aka the halt, the lame and the bumbling clutched at the hem of our hare’s garment and pled with her to save them any unnecessary exercise! Even Banana In Public joined the LP under the rubric of “halt” or maybe “lame”. Wash This Asshole always stays with the LP under the “lame” rubric but in his case the meaning is different. Trail took the pack to Crissy Field and through the restored marsh. TriCrapalete told Just Georgina that he didn’t think the restored marsh really constituted the water portion of the Ironman! TC should remember that a little of the keg goes a long way and a lot of the keg goes even further. Marks were found crossing Mason and trail climbed to go under the Presidio Parkway. On All 4s was busy monitoring Cuming Mutha’s location on the trail just to make sure he *an every step he would be claiming, a hard coach is OA4s! As the Cavalry Stables were passed Closet Twitcher lamented how he was now in the footsore Cavalry! It was either the sore feet or the keg, you can guess which is more likely, that had CT point to the sky and insist Blow Queen was passing overhead; strange things happen on Gypsy trails. Dr. Kimble offered to give CT cut rates to deal with both his sore feet and his delusions! Manhole wondered aloud as to who was more delusional CT or Dr. K? Trail continued through the Presidio. As odd as the Gypsies may be it’s just an ugly rumor that Jack The Ripper and Hand Pump mooned the people working out at the former Planet Fitness no matter what Just Ted AKA The Other Bastard swears! A romp through the rotunda and it was back to blocking the road while the keg slipped under its Cloak Of Invisibility and the table was loaded with Vitamin J and Sacred Thermi filled with spiced rum Hot Toddy not to mention Chickenboner cupcake specials. You have to have that sugar to keep the alcohol fermenting if you want a real hangover. 5150 arrived to drink away his bunion surgery aches and pains, um, not that he’s ever needed a reason to just drink away! 5 Angry Inches really wants to put 5150’s knee scooter through its paces on a motocross course but all that begging was a little unseemly! Eventually T took up the Sword Of Power and convening the Circle distributed more alcohol to people who REALLY didn’t need it! Phone Sex was brought up to be humiliated for not being around for a few weeks but all she got was sympathy when she couldn’t remember why she was there then let alone why she wasn’t there last week! Just Alkin and Just Ata were given down-downs for beating a DUI rap! The pack didn’t really need to hear that all the training they’d had in Sperm Alley really paid off! The keg died heroically and the Sacred Thermi never stood a chance. Chickenboner struck again! Cheers.