GPH3 Run #1345: When Convolution is King!
: 01/17/2019
: St Francis Yacht Club parking lot
: Che Gayvara
: Tongueless

Run #1345 When Convolution is King!

Che Gayvara brought the pack to order at the SF Yacht Club parking lot at the Marina Green last Thursday and tasked the Gypsies with solving yet another riddle from his twisted mind. The last time the pack started here the sprinkler system went off during the Circle so it was singing in the rain. The pack found it more pleasant to get wet from the inside out from the keg of Lagunitas Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’. As he looked over the pack the fear in our hare’s eyes was obvious. In his heart of hearts he knew this pack would not give him a full 15-minute head start. He could read it in “Saint” Titty Boo Boo’s smirk as he scratched his crotch. CG slipped away with nary a word leaving marks that could be interpreted as the pack may desire. While our hare tossed flour the pack was treated to a sermon by Little Sissy Pants of the Whine and Chowder Society. The Male Missal proved perfect for a hasher with that name. When he’d finished, that reader par excellence, She Came Again, took him aside to provide some tips on his diction and breathing. LSP listened closely when he offered to give SCA a tip of his own she laughed and said she doesn’t do “tips”. Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt were busy ooing and ohing about Bitch Pimp’s new pooch Just Bailey and couldn’t get over what a wild child he is. Lucky for Just Bailey that Fits In had the girls tight or it would have been puppy time at the Marina. Dr. Kimble was beside himself at Just Bailey’s barking and Bitch Pimp not offering to give him a bang to take his mind off of it. Dr. K is an, “any excuse will do” kind of guy but then as One Night Only put it, “What hasher isn’t!” The pack was thankful that they’d been given a question to ponder while our hare abused them. The first problem encountered by the pack was which fucking way our hare went. Cuming Mutha whipped out his magnifying glass and in true Sherlock Holmes fashion found the first mark. The pack romped through Crissy Field. The Lost Patrol was well and truly lost with Tongueless and Fits In exchanging barbs and blame. The were thrilled to find that late starter, Blow Queen was just as lost but finally his nose for trail twitched and off they went with 5150 a still small voice crying in the wilderness behind them. At a check on Halleck St. T fell to his knees weeping in frustration and Fits In gently helped him back to the start. Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt actually allowed him to share a treat! In the meantime wiser heads prevailed and found trail that took them hither and yon through the Presidio including one of the hare’s patented leaps over a wall on West Pacific Ave. the pack was treated to a view of Pacific Heights as they wondered aloud at just how insane the hare actually was. Phone Sex took the position that Che’s insanity was rather high. Lo and behold trail reentered the Presidio dragging the already thirsty ship of fools towards the yacht club and a chance to rehydrate but it was still a fair distance they had to cover. At Torney Ave. the trail crossed itself and exited the Presidio *un the pack past the Exploratorium and back to the start. Cuming Mutha arrived from the other direction and explained that when the hare mentioned how much of the trail would be pavement pounding he had a long conversation with his knees and they agreed that perhaps he should bag the trail and go for a *un on the trails in the Presidio. The table was set with the usual Vitamin J and the keg was tapped again to allow the pack to rehydrate. The Sacred Thermi held rum toddys so a chill in the air was not relevant. With the pack back together, Tongueless channeled the King who was in Canada tuning up for the Vindabona, Vienna for the non-cognoscenti, in Canada and taking up the Sword Of Power opened the Circle. The hare was properly roasted and became properly toasted. As returning hashers go Hot Flash was a REAL returner with her last appearance in June of 2006. HF’s comment in the Circle was, “I don’t remember trail being this long!” Hand Pump finally decided to make it back and once again basked in the glory of being DFL. Just Will was brought up for the “crime” of being too tall. The King doesn’t want to keep looking up at him. Still JW did not welcome the offer to use the Sword to solve the problem, oh well! Speaking of offers being turned down, “Saint” Titty Boo Boo turned down T’s offer to handcuff him to the exercise rings and abuse him sexually! He also turned down T’s offer to have “S”TBB hand cuff him and have his way. Foolishly “S”TBB bet that T didn’t have handcuffs in the glove compartment of the Outbeer. Now he’ll never know. Cheers.