GPH3 Run #1347: Fuckety, Fuck, Fuckers!
: 01/31/2019
: Log Cabin
: Ice Box and Hot Dick
: Tongueless

Run #1347 Fuckety, Fuck, Fuckers!

Disproving rumors of their demise in the wildfires that consumed large parts of Oz Ice Box and Hot Dick were back in the U S Of A and tormenting the Gypsies with a, well, Hot Dick and Ice Box trail. The traveling duo called the pack together at the Log Cabin in the Presidio site of much hashing hysteria. The pack gathered and wetted their appetite for the trail with Laguintas Czech Pils a favorite of the hares. HogtownH3 graced the pack with Can Come In My Mouth but sadly “Saint” Titty Boo Boo was nowhere to be seen and CCIM was not about to settle for second best. As a true believer in never settling for less than the best Dick Ass Mother Fucker allowed that CCIM was making the right choice. An early arrival Just Jeff was quick to point out that cuming early is not his usual style. Do Her Well’s comment was, “Well, then you’re an oddity among the men, and I use that term loosely, in this gang”! Just Doesn’t Get it scuffed mumbled, “Cold, really cold”! Dr. Kimble just said, “Welcome to the Gypsies a close knit group.” Cream Chugger fell over laughing almost crushing little Lilly on her leash. Cars kept arriving with dropping the usual content of clowns. Closet Twitcher pumped in on his clown bicycle and all and sundry were busy pounding piss and scratching their heads over the runic marks Hot Dick had laid out for the chalktalk. Gentle soul that she is, Tears Of Semen stepped between them as blows fell over Ice Box refusing to embarrass herself by trying to explain Hot Dick’s cryptic marks. Clearly the pack was in need of some old time religion and that was provided by Just Jeff who read a homily from the Male Missal and in keeping with our hares the story took place in Oz. The wrangling over the chalktalk was solved by King Rongjon pointing out that the marks were indeed symbols from ancient runes and paying any attention to them would bring nothing but ruination. On that note the pack was off into the night. Our hares tossed their lot in with the Lost Patrol with Ice Box promising that she would make sure all survived the rigors of the trail. Trail took all and sundry down Storey Ave and Rod Rd. before turning into the woods and under Veterans Blvd. By now it was clear that marks were a tad few and far between which had our hares loudly proclaiming the “Fuckety, fuck, fuckers who live here have brushed away the fucking marks”! Hot Dick also made the point that this is what happens when civilians are allowed to replace the military who used to live on the Presidio. Adopt A Pussy was amazed that anyone would find a way to suck flour off of wet ground let alone take the time to wash an arrow off a post. Fits In quickly put the snouts of Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt to work sniffing out what trail the vandals had left behind while the intermittent glow of headlamps showed the pack was still more or less looking for the bits and bobs of trail that existed. While our hares were busy assigning blame to all and sundry including each other the pack moved on through the night. The last bit of vandal activity was a check that had “GO AWAY” spelled out in flour across it. At that point Phone Sex started to look around her and wonder if she was going to be murdered. Phonie has never been short of melodrama. Trail wound through the Presidio to Immigrant Point Overlook where they enjoyed the overlook. Trail took those so inclined down to a trail that led them down and across Lincoln Blvd and the Coastal Trail down to the beach and lots of bitching. The LP continued down Washington Blvd. and thence down Lincoln Blvd. before crossing back past Fort Scott Field and back to the start. As Tongueless and the King hauled the keg over to the picnic tables the usual feat of artery clogging Vitamin J was laid out along with the Sacred Thermi filled with mulled wine to help cut the chill. As Pencil Dick cut the chill he pointed out to our hares that he’d gotten more exercise than he’d planned. Blow Queen was busy toasting his prowess at finding trail where none existed. Cuming Mutha pointed out that usually that just means you *an your own trail and came back to the start. Bitch Pimp arrived late thanks less to the stress of trail than stress in general. Hand Pump was slow to arrive but Lois Lame averred that it was more likely him having been “helping” a damsel in distress than the trail. Lois does have a genteel way of putting things that could easily cum out raunchier say if Chickenboner was the one making the point. Who’s Your Daddy on the other hand said that CB is the soul of genteelism. Jack The Ripper marveled at WYD still being sober enough to get the words out. Manhole and Mans Best Hole arrived and proceeded to do major damage to the keg. MBH now just carries the car keys in his teeth. Missed Delivery as usual was sweating so much that he alone could solve the drought problem. King Rongjon took up the Sword Of Power and led the Circle in his own inimitable style. It was a grand welcome back for and from our hares.