GPH3 Run #1348: Chickenboner's Block Party!
: 02/07/2019
: Haight & East Buena Vista
: Chickenboner
: Tongueless

Run #1348 Chickenboner’s Block Party!

Chickenboner decided to welcome February into the Gypsies’ fold by starting a trail at one of the busiest intersections Haight and East Buena Vista right on the edge of Buena Vista Park. Our hare closed her eyes tight and begged the Hashing Gods for parking and lo and behold they smiled upon her. Fits In coasted the Outbeer to a wide-open space right at the starting spot. The icing on the cupcake was having Adopt A Pussy able to slide right in alongside. Knowing full well that it actually takes less than half a mind to hash, Tongueless pointed out that those partaking of the keg of Lagunitas IPA might want to stay out of the middle of the street. Who’s Your Daddy who insists that the character Iron Man is based on his prick boldly stood where at much saner Dick Ass Mother Fucker refused to tread! Civilians avoided looking at the motley crew pounding piss and managed to walk around Brave Fart and Backside Banger without cringing TOO MUCH. Udder Moron wisely parked his motorcy across the street creating some plausible deniability when the minions of the law inevitably arrived. Cuming Mutha off the sauce for February wandered around the start not sure what to do with his hands but Cream Chugger did have a suggestion and it wasn’t to stroke Just Lily. Just Gordon ambled up and when asked what brought him to the Gypsies he looked around the pack and pointedly said he was hoping to find a red-hot vagina. Stinky Floss was blushing when up stepped not only a, but THE, Red Hot Vagina. Tears Of Semen strode up wearing glasses and when Dr. Kimble said she looked great in them told him they were just glass and she was wearing them to look less a sex symbol and more an intellectual, failure! It was clear that the pack was sorely in need of some religious instruction and Just Gordon was offered up to provide the pack with a sermon from the Male Missal. Our hare was long gone planning on a live trail and she left T in charge of the chalktalk which he managed to, as usual, mangle. The pack managed to climb the stairs into Buena Vista Park and there they found yet more marks. Just Doesn’t Get It was sad as he recalled the Buena Vista Park of old, before weed was legal. Trail took the pack on a climb across the park where our hare cleverly divided the pack between the true believers and the halt, lame and thirsty. Off the hard ones went to lap Corona Heights where Blow Queen stood high on the heights waving his arms like a semaphore message of encouragement while the Lost Patrol managed to get itself lost, not a very hard thing to do. Our hare had her brain in “Park” as she took all and sundry into Golden Gate Park. Bitches Bitch was wishing he had his drone handy to fly high above and give him the lay of the land but sadly said drone had died a not quite hero’s death in it’s first flight on Saipan. Tri Crapalete who was present at the demise reminded BB that drones don’t fly themselves into trees, oops! Poor BB, denied the wonders of technology had to rely on Lois Lame pointing out each bit of Poison Oak so he could gingerly step aside. Do Her Well waved her arms and suggested to Just Doesn’t Get It that regardless of any changes in the law Golden Gate Park still had a thriving black-market for the stuff dreams are made of. Exiting the park at Stanyan the pack was back on Haight St. and welcomed into Mario’s by Who’s Your Daddy acting as the official glad hander for the hare. Those who chose to were able to wet their whistles before heading back to the start and the piss they’d already paid for. Back at the start the big question was where to set up the bacchanal materials and still be out of view of prying eyes. An executive decision was made by T and Dr. K based largely on their being to lazy to lug the keg very far up hill. A convenient clump of bushes served as a cloak of invisibility and the Sacred Thermi filled with hot rum toddys stood next to the keg. The Vitamin J was along the raised concrete on the other side and the pack took control of the rest of the sidewalk. Bitch Pimp and She Came Again were busy chatting on the steps up to the park providing camouflage from the civilian passersby by faking normalcy. Jack The Ripper once again took the title of DFL although Manhole and Mans Best Hole put in a valiant effort to wrest away the title. With the King in Austria T raised the Sword Of Power and convened the Circle. While the rest of the pack hung on his every word 5150 was his usual “chatty Cathy” self. Just Will reminded 5150 that a tongue would be a sorry thing to lose because then he’d be Tongueless 2! Speaking of Just Will he’s under the scrutiny of a Stupid Watch. Just Axel arrived and partook of the keg while the Gypsies taxed him. There were crimes galore, two of the major ones were TOS using her tracking app to keep her, Red Hot Vagina and Just Finn on track by tracking the hare. Needless to say RHV was quick to rat her out. Dr. K declared Bitch Pimp a criminal when she thought Twinkle Dick was just some homeless transient and was afraid of him. Twinkle Dick refused to give her back the $5 she’d dropped into his hat. There were no “legal” interruptions and the bacchanal continued with the keg suffering a mortal wound. Cheers.