GPH3 Run #1350: The Queen of Kumis Commands!
: 02/21/2019
: Tank Hill
: Chinchin Chiller
: Tongueless

Run #1350 The Queen of Kumis Commands!

Chinchin Chiller was as a conference in San Francisco so for CCC haring the trail for the Gypsies last Thursday was a no brainer. Her only concern was the weather, would she be able to find a start cold and windy enough to keep the tradition alive. CCC had no worries since she picked her home away from home, Tank Hill, on Twin Peaks Blvd. and Villa Terrace as the start. The Outbeer eased into a parking space along side the hill and Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt warm in their coats stepped out to add their special marks to the trail. One Night Only was already there and keeping “Saint” Titty Boo Boo and Pied Piper warm. Well at least her Mercedes was keeping them warm. In keeping with religious background Pied Piper made a creepy effort to get Tongueless into the backseat as well. Tongueless was all for it since it’s been so long since anyone called him “little boy”! The erudite “S”TBB pointed out that if Piper was talking about A-bombs T was more “Fat Man” than “Little Boy”. As usual “S”TBB was too clever by half. Little by little the parking succumbed to the Gypsies who, once the keg of Lagunitas Little Sumpin’ Easy was tapped, filled the sidewalk. As if further proof that you only need half-a-mind to hash, and considerably less for the Gypsies, Bitch Pimp once again brought her mother Just Pat. This was Just Pat’s 4th trail with the Gypsies so we already know she’s well on her way to that minimal mind status. Bitch Pimp, in an effort to prove he education was not a waste, read a sermon from the Traveling Missal. Backside Banger was so moved that he asked if BP would mind reading the sermon over the phone to his wife, BB is easily moved. Adopt A Pussy stepped in and as BB’s attorney advised him against it. What a buzzkill these lawyers can be. Our hare was long gone since she was setting a live trail. As the sermon closed the pack was off in search of the hare who, as Blow Queen pointed out, could walk the trail and still beat the pack. Trail took the pack up Villa Terrace and up, and up. Atlanta being mainly hill free Chinchin Chiller was looking for a workout and unfortunately she was going to provide the pack with one. Backside Banger, Adopt A Pussy, 5150 and T along with Fits In and the hounds made up the Lost Patrol, what a surprise. Phone Sex stepped up as the LP leader and scout, loping along ahead to search for trail. What CCC trail would be complete without stairs and lots of them! Our hare took care of that at the Pemberton Steps up to Clayton St. and then past the Neighborhood Garden where Udder Moron was spotted picking vegetables and stuffing them into his shorts, wow won’t those taste great. All went well until Phonie decided to follow some trial that turned up a trail that didn’t seem to go anywhere. The LP stuck to the road and met Phonie where her trail ended at the Rooftop Elementary School: Burnett Campus. An abundance of marks tracked through the campus but never seemed to go anywhere as they all ended at fences. The LP beat a hasty retreat and continued down Corbett assuming that the trail would eventually turn towards them, so much for faulty logic. True trail managed to go over the fence furthest back in the complex and then hit real trail towards Christmas Tree Point on Twin Peaks. As they retraced their steps looking for trail Jack The Ripper appeared like an apparition, he was descending the trail Phonie had gone up. JTR went through the schoolyard apparently found trail. Ripper wasn’t seen again until he won the DFL award, which was stolen from him by Deadbeat. Back at the start the debate was where to set up the table and keg and T picked a flat spot on the hillside with both great views and a frigid wind in honor of our hare. It was also assumed, not correctly, that no passing law enforcement personnel would notice. Oddly enough the pack reappeared from all points on the compass rose. Manhole and Mans Best Hole had an especially interesting time when MBH decided to take a dump and MH realized he had to bags so he used a tissue; sadly it wasn’t up to the job. Pencil Dick and Dr. Kimble were deep into the Sacred Thermi filled with hot spiced rum and cider and deep into discussion over which of them had sorer knees. Still off the sauce himself Cuming Mutha marveled at how quickly consumption of alcohol can turn a discussion into a 15 round mayhem match. Not having brought warm clothes, there goes that half-a-mind thing again “Saint” Titty Boo Boo’s lips were turning a lovely royal blue when ONO slid him into her car to take him back to The Cunt Next Door. Who’s Your Daddy had been hoping to introduce Just Will to the joys of kumis assuming that as Queen of Kyrgyzstan our hare would have brought a supply but no, no fermented mare’s milk till June. If CCC cums back Just Will has a real “treat” to look forward too. T brought forth the Sword Of Power and convened the Circle. One of the down-downs went to the lawyers, current or disbarred present, 3. Lois Lame and Bitches Bitch were busy collecting their business cards, you know, just in case since they live such litigation prone lives. 5150 had a light hung on a tree limb and that attracted the attention of a passing interested party who called it in prompting a call to T to see if by any chance it was the Gypsies meaning that stopping would be unnecessary. Last week was another triumph for Chinchin Chiller. Cheers.