GPH3 Run #1372: Maintaining the Maintenance Hole
: 07/25/2019
: Lawton & Locksley
: Manhole
: Tongueless

Run #1372 Maintaining the Maintenance Hole

Manhole, or as he would now be known in Berzerbeley Maintenance Hole, has finally hied himself out to the Water Dept. and laid a trail in celebration of his newly found freedom. He gathered the Gypsies at Lawton and Locksley; a place filled with lore, and dared any to actually follow his trail. He was working from the assumption that no one would be there since the parking situation is the result of an evil spell but that spell was broken and since he built it they came. Even the Outbeer found a luxurious parking spot and provided the pack with pints of Lagunitas Czech Pils a Manhole favorite. Dick Ass Mother Fucker loves this spot having become famous here and almost having his name changed to Town Crier, but that’s another story. CSI was there for the first time in many a month and wanted to sharpen her tongue before heading off to the Neptunus Birthday Weekend in Amsterdam. Udder Moron could only pour down a pint and shake his head as a dazed looking Bitches Bitch wandered around with a grin on his face and muttering “No PO, no PO”. Lois Lame was quick to point out that BB isn’t quite as odd as he seems; the emphasis being on “quite”. Speaking of CSI and her tongue sharpening, she practiced by cumin forward to preach an entendre filled sermon from the Traveling Missal; only fitting since she will be traveling. Our hare was moved enough to head out and set the bits and bobs of trail still needing his attention. Tongueless provided a few words of wisdom, coming from T you can imagine how much wisdom was involved, in the form of a chalk talk and off the pack took. Trail took the pack to a first check at 6th Ave. and Kirkham that led them up Koret Way and into the campus of UCSF School of Medicine and it’s labyrinthine passages. Honesty, what an odd concept, dictates that your scribe admits that at this point the Lost Patrol gave up the ghost since Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt were adamant in their refusal to put paw on a particularly noxious to them set of stairs. From this point the LP were wandering in the desert of USCF Med for what seemed like forty nights as they tried to find an exit from the jumble of buildings. No need to worry all the females including the dogs bitched at T for not being able to find a way out. Fits In was spotted whispering in the dogs’ ears and one can only imagine what she was saying. CSI just bitched at him in general. Those poor souls who continued found themselves at Willard and Parnassus, the first of two Turkey/Eagle splits. Turkeys gobbled their way up the stairs to Edgewood while the Eagles headed down for a quick circuit of Kezar Stadium before circling back to catch the gobblers on Edgewood. This led all and sundry to a frolic round the Interior Green Belt Park. The pack enjoyed a downhill classic on Delbrook leading Cuming Mutha to wonder if the Devil might want to buy his knees instead of his soul. Hand Pump just laughed having tried the same thing of years without luck. At Olympia the pack found it’s second Turkey/Eagle split and Eagles soared south to Knockash Hill through Laguna Honda Hospital and the Turkeys headed down to Clarendon. The feathered flock came together at Clarendon then spent their time inhaling exhaust fumes on 7th Ave. as they returned to the start. The only one to do both Eagle trails was Udder Moron making it clear why his name is what it is. Pied Piper was busy kicking himself for actually staying whole time, not that it means he did the whole trail. Who’s Your Daddy complained that he’d barely had the energy to find a wateringhole to spend his evening in since he started late. Bitch Pimp just generally bitched so all knew the trail had been a good one! Cums In Boots started late but finished with loads of drinking time available and when Cuming Mutha asked where he’d been of late his answer was the perfect, “being lazy”. Dr. Kimble was a late arrival and wondered where were all the MILFs our hare had promised. A few cups from the Sacred Bucket filled with Sea Breezes took the question right out of his mind. Cream Chugger found the Bucket much to her liking asserting that there is nothing like a Sea Breeze or six after a long hot trail. Just Lily was more than happy to eat treats. 5150 pointed at Tongueless’ Penis and asked if the Sacred Bucket was the explanation for a sudden, um, growth spurt. The DFL award went to Steiffel Tower visiting from AustinH3 who started late but persevered thanks to the promise of an immense amount of alcohol he knows the Gypsies promise; he was not disappointed. The Circle lasted long enough to congratulate our hare on his new found freedom but the drinking continued long beyond.