GPH3 Run #1380: September Sprinkles
: 09/19/2019
: Corte Madera Town Park
: Dr Kimble
: Tongueless

Run #1380 September Sprinkles

Dr. Kimble gathered the pack at one of his favorite starting points, Corte Madera Town Park, last week and Bitches Bitch sang his praises far and wide bringing a throng down on the parking lot. The usual suspects were there and lo and behold even E=MCFucked made his was to the Gypsies. One sure sign of the coming apocalypse was Me Me Me aka Princess Slut, as she’s known at the Whine and Chowder Society, being there. As usual the parking lot was full of civilians picking up their kids and shielding their young eyes from the sight of unseemly adults slugging down pints of Lagunitas Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’. Butt Plug FRED was charmed by the little tyke who pointed to him and said to his father, “Look that man is going to get drunk like you do!”. Hand Pump chauffeured Bend An-Dryl a former fixture at the Gypsies who has been working in Africa and was back for a visit. The favorite garden gnome substitute of the east bay, Little John’s Son was there to prove he’s no weenie. Clearly there was only one choice for the Gypsies’ religious service and that was Me Me Me who could thrill once again to the sound of her own voice. That voice had its hills and its valleys depending on the, um, “ups and downs” of the character doing the talking. Golden Snowball was noted jotting things down and Fleshlight looked nervous! Dr. Kimble gave a chalktalk then filled a couple of growlers supplied by Pied Piper so he could do an impromptu beer check and drove off into the night. Speaking of PP he vowed to do the whole trail as part of a new fitness regimen. That caused the best accident of the evening as Pencil Dick fell over laughing. As the true gentleman that he is Blowing Zydeco offered to stay behind and have a drink with him BZ is ever willing to sacrifice for a friend. Seeing that no blood had been shed the pack was off. Our hare had promised virgin territory and the pack was set to explore it. CSI was back from her sojourn with European hashing and cast her lot in with the Lost Patrol and the snouts of Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt. Trail took the pack across Pixley Ave. and past all the houses climbing to Willow Ave. and across Menke Park to Corte Madera Ave. Corte Madera Ave. is where Bitch Pimp and Just Pat caught the LP and helped to flesh it out. Trail stayed on Corte Madera Ave. until it started to climb into the woods toward Lower Summit Fire Road and Middle Summit Fire Road. Dr. K does like his summits. The Eagle/Turkey split took the eagles into the Camino Alto Open Space Reserve and its warren of fire roads. Not that the terrain was steep but Tongueless’ Penis managed to land on his ass twice. Cream Chugger was dogless and so forced to actually go where no thinking dog would ever go, let that be a lesson to her! On the other had she did get to drain a good bit of growler at the beer check. Over a chorus of “You’ll be sorry”, Bitch Pimp went up the hill behind the pack. Just Pat seemed unconcerned pointing out that she had a set of car keys. Eventually the pack was back in the park and a picnic table confiscated for the Vitamin J and Sacred Thermi filled with hot coffee that could be mixed with Kahlua and Irish Cream. On the way back Peteophile *an in to Fits In and decided he’d done enough to justify giving up the ghost so he just headed over to the table and keg. 5150 appeared out of the night and ready to drink umtil the dawn’s early light. Pied Piper eventually reappeared and brought out the Sacred Grill and an assortment of sausages. PP also promised venison burgers once Scarlette O’Hairy arrived. Tongueless was more than happy to just stuff chocolate into his gob rather than wasted his chewing on protein. The pack made good use of its time waiting for the arrival of SOH by decimating whatever PP put on the grill. Lois Lame managed to actually stay on trail and was able to direct the grilling of the veggie burgers for her and BB. Once SOH made her presence felt a plague of locusts claiming to be Gypsies descended on the grilling venison. All desire for a Circle was drained as the alcohol was drained. Blowing Zydeco entertained the pack by doing donuts in the parking lot and Early To Bed took him home for his own good. Sometime around 10:15 the sprinklers in the park all came on and the pack beat a hasty and wet retreat. Some time after the pack had dispersed the police arrived from around the corner and there were Bitches Bitch and Lois Lame to say they hadn’t seen a large party of loud boozers as the person who’d made the noise complaint said were in the park. Cheers.