GPH3 Run #1381: Beer and Batteries
: 09/26/2019
: Senior Citizens Center in Golden Gate Park
: Manhole
: Tongueless

Run #1381 Beer and Batteries

Now that he’s retired Manhole and can his attention to more important things like laying trail for the Gypsies and drinking Lagunitas Czech Pils both of which he got to do last Thursday if only for awhile. The pack was gathered in the parking lot behind the Senior Citizens Center in Golden Gate Park a fitting choice for so many senior drinkers, er, citizens. It’s always great to have visitors or newbies who don’t understand the Gypsies’ concept, or lack of concept, of time and so arrive on what most humans would consider on or ahead of time. When the Outbeer arrived, Just Ted and Just Shelby were already there doing something and Mother Hentai a migrant from MiamiH3 wasn’t far behind. The hare arrived with his assistant and treat eater Mans Best Hole who scrounged treats from Tongueless while Manhole explained that he was taking off to set a bit of trail and then wait for AAA to cum and jump his dead battery, at least he had time for a pint. The pack was showing a decided interest in putting down the keg so it was clear that getting started was in order and Just Shelby proved to be last week’s deer in the headlights winner and religious leader. Just Ted may have given her an idea of what she’d be reading but the grin on his face made it clear that he hadn’t prepped JS properly! With the Missal Without A Name in hand JS brought the pack closer to Nirvana. From Nirvana it was off on trail for all concerned. Mother Hentai being clear on the hashian concept of never getting to far from the beer cast her lot with the Lost Patrol and stayed close to Tongueless and the key to the Outbeer. Closet Twitcher, 5150, complete with his ski poles assured her that she was doing the right thing. CSI, Backside Banger and Adopt A Pussy were heard mumbling about the blind leading the blind. Banana In Public demurred from commenting insisting that he would be off and *unning is he hadn’t pulled or twisted something or other. Trail took the pack into the woods and around the dog park where Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt were chased by a pair of German Shepherds on the other side of the fence. Being a true hash hound TD turned her back on the ferociously barking duo, squatted down and took a dump, she then headed back on trail. Fits In shone with pride! Trail stayed in the park through the golf course and finally feet contacted concrete around LaPlaya and Fulton then came back to the park to pass the Dutch Windmill and cross to the Great Highway. Bitch Pimp was happy to head back into the park at Lincoln Way and the since by now it was dark enough for her to make use of the facilities the trees offered. Tongueless’ Penis found himself on trail in the new, but not improved Sperm Alley, and barely escaped with his life let alone his dignity! By now Phone Sex was with the LP and as they dodged through the woods was as lost as the rest of the LP. Cuming Mutha, who cannot get enough exercise to suit him, was spotted around the Polo Field doing the Par Course just to get his heart rate up! CM may be spotted on any available Par Course but Lois Lame can be spotted at any available restroom and happily trail took the pack past both the south and north ones. At least Bitches Bitch only had to look two places if LL was late getting back from trail. At long last the pack was back at the start, minus of course Hand Pump. The keg was whipped out and the picnic table arrayed with the usual Vitamin J. The Sacred Bucket was filled with River Madness and the Gypsies’ usual madness commenced. As he drained that 8th cup of the Bucket, Che Gayvara’s eyes grew misty and he waxed poetic to Just Shelby about his long years in the Sierra Maestra. King Rongjon announced his desire to convene the Circle and taking up the Sword Of Power arranged the pack around him, by now including Hand Pump. Just Ted made up for not warning JS about the reading by at least moving her out of range of the King and his weapon. The hare never made it back so T drank in his stead. When it came time for Mother Hentai to entertain the pack she knew exactly what to do and bared a brace of breasts that left the pack weeping with joy! When her turn came Just Shelby sang a ditty that also had the pack weeping but for a different reason. The evening proved yet again that the combination of alcohol and pleasant weather destroys all sense of time where the Gypsies are concerned. Cheers