GPH3 Run #1385: Um, Just How Many Ways Can I Fuck Up A Trail?
: 10/24/2019
: 9th Ave & MLK Jr Dr
: Do Her Well
: Tongueless

Run #1385 Um, Just How Many Ways Can I Fuck Up A Trail?

Leave it to Do Her Well to ask herself the tough questions, the ones a scion of science would ask. DHW laid the trail for the Gypsies last week and she promised to fuck up in at least 5 ways just to see how hard it is to create an angry mob! Our hare started by picking 9th Ave. and MLK, Jr. Dr. in Golden Gate Park as a start; a notoriously hard spot to find parking. The Hashing Gods did not smile on this plan and instead Fits In was able to pilot the Outbeer around the corner onto MLK, Jr. and glide straight into a Chickenboner sized parking spot, YES! Our hare arrived with Just Doesn’t Get It in tow, she now takes away his car key so he can’t leave while she’s laying trail, and cursed the Hashing Gods for all the parking that was available. Even One Night Only threw caution to the wind keeping the bubble wrap off the Mercedes. A chagrined DHW pounded a pint and set off like the grim Reaper to lay the trail live. Sleazy Like Sunday Whoring a Whine & Chowder harriette unfamiliar with the ways of the Gypsies wondered aloud what the hare was going to do with all those sharpened stakes? Che Gayvara put her mind at rest by explaining DHW would be setting up tiger traps to keep the pack safe in the dark park. After a few pints of the Lagunitas IPA she took that as an acceptable answer. Since our hare threatened to treat the pack like the animals they are it’s only fitting that there were so many four legged pack members there to enjoy the dark park. Manhole had not only Mans Best Hole but also Just Louie to raise a ruckus, Pencil Dick was the with Just Arlo and JA was raring to go. To complete the animal pack Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt were busy organizing the snouts into a raccoon attack battalion just in case. Knowing what the hare had planned Hand Pump was busy shaking hands and saying goodbye to the pack just in case; he’s a real gent. SLSW provided the pack with a religious moment from the Sacred Missal 2.0, sadly it was a tad hard to hear her over the wailing of the terrified pack members like Twinkle Dick and Udder Moron who is still nursing his leg. Of course their wailing was nothing in comparison to the flood tide of tears Tongueless was shedding. Before he could wash away any marks the pack was off. After a smidge of headless chickening trail led the pack deep into the bowels of the park before crossing Nancy Pelosi Dr. and performing a circle jerk in the woods. This is about the time Backside Banger chose to show up but not finding Adopt A Pussy he went back to look for him or at least his remains. Our hare took the pack on a tour of the finer points of the park leading Who’s Your Daddy to wish she’d fallen on one her “finer points”, for such a hot blood he can be so cold! Trail lumbered through the Music Concourse and around the Giuseppe Verdi statue and east Stowe Lake. Somewhere around this point all the lost, well some of them, came together from the various spots they were lost and Dr. Kimble, a born leader, declared, “Fuck it, I’m going back and drink, who’s with me!” CSI and Closet Twitcher raised their voices in a hearty “Huzzah” and the band of survivors returned to the start. As they approached the start there was Deadbeat changing into *unning gear and averring that HE would beat our hare into the dirt with his speed and cunning. On All 4s sotto voce wondered that he thought Deadbeat had either one. Eat My Pussy was also a late cumer and set off to joust with our hare. “Saint” Titty Boo Boo was the first of the intrepid to return and he immediately poured himself an extra large Yellow Peril from the Sacred Bucket. Our hare had promised backchecks and she kept her promise. Cuming Mutha finally decided he’d had enough when he came to backcheck #64. Cock A Mole decided to show up and brought Just Jasper to add to the dogpack. Suffice it to say that the raccoons kept their distance as did any sane civilians. 5150 also chose to arrive in time to avoid the trail but not the keg, Bucket or Vitamin J. Bitches Bitch and Lois Lame were roundly criticized for pointing out that had cum upon 2 civilians making the two backed beast on the bleachers but hadn’t bother to film any of it. The pack ate and drank contentedly with only an occasional wondering about the missing Hand Pump, Jack The Ripper and Bitch Pimp. Veritable hours passed and finally they were sighted in the distance. Bitch Pimp abjured that she probably shouldn’t have followed HP and JTR after the first 2 hours. Hand Pump normally the gentlest of souls announced to all within hearing that DHW should “get fucked by a porcupine!” DHW’s face lit up, at last here was proof of her success! T convened a Circle and Sword Of Power in hand distributed the down-downs before the pack dragged itself off to rest and enjoy their hangovers. Cheers,