GPH3 Run #1568: A Saint He Ain’t
: 09/14/2023
: Lyndhurst Dr. and Denslowe Dr. Junipero Serra Playground
: Who’s Your Daddy
: Tongueless

Run #1568 Haven’t We Been Here Before? 

Who’s Your Daddy chose the second week in September to start the Gypsies’ trail from Junipero Serra Playground at Lyndhurst Dr. and Denslowe Dr. an old stomping ground of the Gypsies. WYD considers himself something of a seer and he predicted a small pack. If the results of WYD’s prediction is any example he needs to be an opening act in Vegas. The pack arrived in dribs and drabs without enough Gypsies to make a puddle. Eventually there was a quorum and the keg of Lagunitas IPA was tapped and Pied Piper stopped crying. No religion and no roadies, the pack just wanted to get this over with and the chalktalk consisted of don’t fucking die and there are a shitload of marks so figure it out! On that note WYD sent the “pack” into the approaching dusk! No real need to distinguish between the PACK and the Lost Patrol since the LP was The Pack. The only actual *unners were Chickenboner and Cuming Mutha, more power to them! Actually, the LP could be divided into the faster LP Pied Piper and On All 4s and the slower LP, everyone else. Don’t for a moment think the faster LP was thundering down the road but at least they could out pace a snail! While OA4s has the magic find CM app on here phone the other LP had a secret weapon of their own, Adopt A Pussy who has the entirely of the city and county of San Francisco embedded in his memory!  Wash This Asshole swears that he’s seen AAP blink and that maps are tattooed on the inside of his eyelids. Fits in listened to WTA then whispered, “No Bucket for him!” In WYD’s first don’t get killed marks the pack found itself crossing, count ‘em, four lanes of traffic and two lanes of Muni train lines. Rumor has it that when Tongueless got to the other side of all this, money changed hands! In what WYD refers to as his infinite wisdom he took the pack into Park Merced the land of insane circles and odd angles. There was the pack entering Juan Bautista Circle. Trying to find where you live in Park Merced is an impossibility if one has been tippling since everything looks alike. As they moved through the neighborhood Dr. Kimble began to have a panic attack! OA4s sent PP back with a paper bag for Dr. K to breath in. Don’t ask where OA4s got it but CM swears her motto is “Be prepared!” Every building has a parking garage, and every parking garage looks exactly like the last one looked. Needless to say our hare made sure the pack took a complete tour of Park Merced’s parking facilities. Every time a parking garage was exited AAP started to shake and in a strange voice said, “Go to the (insert direction)!” then snap awake. Eventually Park Merced was escaped but that in no way kept our hare from making sure the pack was confused. Font Blvd. led to a myriad of 3 steps forward and 2 steps back! As the pack passed an EV charging station Dr. K sent a text to Lois Lame alerting her, of course Lois was not even at the trail but that’s the kind of swell guy Dr. K is. Since trail went up one side of Font Blvd, it just had to go up the other side, right? Eventually the pack got to do the dgk crossing in the other direction and T was still a survivor! Between OA4s with her magic where in the world is CM and AAP’s blinking everyone made it back to the start. Suddenly out of the night, um, well almost night came CM and not long after Chickenboner appeared as well. The consensus was that WYD must be banging a rental agent at Park Merced! The keg was tapped and the Vitamin J appeared along with Sacred Thermi filled with hot cider and rum to chase the cold! None of the locals did more than glance at the pack and with a pack this small there was no Circle. Hell, there weren’t even any pics. This could all have been a figment of a disturbed mind and maybe it was! WYD kept trying to get praise for his prognostication skills, but he got more vilification for Park Merced! The keg sighed in relief as it was loaded into the Outback to fight again another day and it was joined by the remainder of the Sacred Thermi! Yep, Gypsies war parties come in all sizes and this was a small but satisfied one! Cheers