GPH3 Run #1569: Run Dr. K is a Life Saver!
: 09/21/2023
: Euclid St. and Collins Ave.
: Dr. Kimble
: Tongueless

Run #1569 Dragging Out the Bitch!

Dr. Kimble couldn’t face the idea that there might not be a trail just because the Gypsies have so many lazy wankers, so he took it upon himself to set one for the Gypsies and called the pack to cum to Euclid and Collins alongside the Laurel Hill Playground. The Outbeer slid into a parking space and down the street came FlapJack Off Your Mama, from BostonH3, asking “R U?” One look at the keg of Lagunitas IPA and she knew she was in the right place. Pied Piper was parked around the corner just in case he needed to make a fast getaway when the civilians staring out their window at the beer swigging miscreants called for local authorities to keep them safe. Choke Me, Daddy and Exaggerated Crack had Yank Me, Daddy aka Mr. Wiggles the happiest Pit Bull and perennial favorite of the Gypsies making the pack seem a little, a very little, less roguish, but this was of course offset by Backside Banger who was two fisting red cups off the keg! Dr. K texted Tongueless that he he’d set the trail but wouldn’t be at the start so T had the honor of sending the pack off after giving them a pep talk that should have been a chalktalk. Recognizing that he was no way qualified T opted for sending the pack off after a stirring sermon on family love by FlapJack Off Your Momma reading from the Family Missal. With that tucked under their shorts the pack was off in search of marks. The Lost Patrol was hardly either lost or a “patrol” since it made up most of the pack! Marks magically appeared on Euclid Ave. The pack was turned on Cook St. where they were treated to visage of tire shops and mattress shops, the joy of an urban trail. Trail eventually turned to the USF Lone Mountain North campus. Following the mark T spotted a back check and the debate was on, go back of blow through the back check? Needless to say Hand Pump appeared and lived up to what the backcheck means. You know better than to even hope that wiser heads prevailed. PP argued for blowing through and he was supported by BB; had Fits In done more than roll her eyes sanity night have prevailed but she didn’t and neither did sanity. PP just kept vowing that trial would be crossed at some point. Every time this bunch came to a staircase PP would look for marks coming down and be disappointed. Students passing the reprobates had funny looks and it seemed like Wash This Asshole kept trying to strike up a conversation with women who all seemed to be auditioning for the remake of Scream! After what seemed forever the LP dropped down back to Anza.  Trail passed the Pig and Whistle leading BB to weep as it was past. Speaking of BB at one point he mentioned that the LP was close enough to Bitch Pimp’s place that the LP would be remiss not to pay her a visit. No need to mention wiser heads, you already know what happened. Standing below BP’s window a gang of “adults” was screaming, “Bitch Pimp come out and play!” A few actually called BP by her nerd name. Eventually BP came to the window then outside and promised to join the pack at the end. Back at the start the weak and strong came together and set up camp in a concrete amphitheater. The keg appeared and was tapped. No Cloak Of Invisibility since the Vitamin J and Sacred Bucket filled with Stone Fences were arrayed along the concrete bench surrounding the circle. 5150 appeared and didn’t even try to make anyone think he’d been on trail. Who’s Your Daddy led the Daddy’s back from the nonexistent eagle trail. Yank Me Daddy continued his never-ending search for pets and belly rubs. BP arrived as promised and partook of the keg. WTA wondered why Cheese Turd who apparently lives across the street wasn’t there. There must have been a vulgar mind meld because Cheese Turd instantly appeared at the tap. T took up the Sword Of Power and convened the Circle. In the small amphitheater the pack was even more nervous than usual as the Sword was whipped around. Do not believe that FJOYM tried to scale the fence to the playground, she just, um, learned heavily on it. Growler time led the keg to fart and die 5150 managed to get a growler of Bucket. Dr. Kimble tapped the Bucket with gusto, the pack knew that come Friday the Bucket would be tapping back! A fine amphitheatrical evening was had by the Gypsies and the one civilian with the temerity to join them. Cheers.