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Bay Area Hashing

Gypsies in the Palace
In days of old, when knights were bold and journeyed from their castle...
Runs every Thursday.
East Bay H3
Our Friends on the other side of the Bay Bridge
Runs every other Sunday
Muir Woods H3
Once a year, but always spectacular!
Silicone Valley H3
The Southerners

Social Media

SFH3 Facebook Page
Who doesn't love facebook?
SFH3 Twitter Feed
In case email just isn't enough

Random Links

SFH3 Old Website


7x7 Article on SFH3 (8/29/2011)

SF Gate Article (8/11/2000)

Some of our neighbors...

Surf City (Santa Cruz)
South Lake Tahoe (SLuT)
Southern California
San Diego
Las Vegas
Portland Humpin
R*nning, BEER, and some other random stuff
Read at your own risk. Who knows if any of this is actually factual.
Beer Run!
Piles of Mysterious White Powder
Does Beer Affect Your Training?
A Craft Beer Glossary
6 Best Post-R*ce Beers
How Long Can You Survive on Beer Alone?
Hallelujah: Beer Hydrates Better Than Water
Twenty Things Worth Knowing About Beer
Broad Street Run
Fishtown Beer Runners