GPH3 Run #453: Déjà Vu and Crazy Bob Too
: 12/06/2001
: Unknown
: Fucking Pesto Chicken
: Tongueless

Run #453 Déjà Vu and Crazy Bob Too

What will Fucking Pesto Chicken do if he ever moves? Where will he set a trail from if he’s no longer around the corner from Walter Haas Park? Probably not a problem since if he ever does become homeless he’d just move into the park that’s already his second home. A foggy cold night watched the pack gather at Addison and Diamond Heights. Our hare provided a left over Whine & Chowder keg of Skunky brand beer, apparently an early in the week favorite. Even Enter The Gerbil whose proboscis was as stuffed as a Thanksgiving turkey was able to detect just how off the piss had gone. Just Bob still suffering chills from his icy bath the week before had no such problem and was soon tapping the keg for all it was worth guaranteeing the rest of the pack an amusing evening. It was cold enough for religion to almost be passed up but so many souls were in need of saving that the outcry for redemption won out over freezing asses. Thumper in particular announced his need for a shot of salvation which once Pet Da Cooter got deep into the Sacred Missal turned more into salivation. Unable to stand the sight of Thumper looking like Niagara Falls the pack was on-on. Trail, as always went hither and yon not that anyone particularly cares. Rumor has it that there were some hills involved and from the way Phone Sex was dripping sweat a the end the rumors are probably true, on the other hand it could just have been her quick stepping to keep McTaco’s hot pursuit in check. If he was any more horny drivers would have to be capping their exhaust pipes. Bone Marrow swears she saw him fondling the tailpipe of Snakeless’ Beemer last week. Enter The Gerbil and Fits In had joined Tongueless in a sputum serenade and were hors de trail. Whippet In and Whippet Out, however, were not to be denied so rather than just soaking up suds the unfortunates strolled the trail. Eventually all the detritus washed back into the park and the serious drinking could begin. The Sacred Bucket was filled with Sea Breezes and suddenly the chill in the air was forgotten. Bigfoot dived right and when last seen was tied across the hood of their car. Apparently Enter The Gerbil felt he could explain how she got a chill easier than he could clean the interior. Wet Clam and Pet Da Cooter spent a large portion of the evening leading around a drunken D’anglin Anglin by what was danglin’, talk about sore in the morning. Dumb Bastard was back sans his sober spouse so perhaps he’s not as dumb a bastard as thought. Boulder Holder was downing punch with a single minded passion which suddenly was converted to a different kind of passion. If Glory Hole hadn’t dragged her away she’d have been Blowing Zydeco. Enter The Gerbil soon had the circle in effect and miscreants fell to the force of the Sacred Bucket left and right. There was Drill Me drinking for Badger who’d interrupted LCB and Broken Trojan while they were in the bushes looking for a lost contact lens, uh huh,. too bad Pulls Out Early wasn’t also in the bushes. As the evening wore on Nutless Sac became concerned about the behavior of Just Bob who was behaving even more bizarrely than last week. Nutless insisted he’d not drunk all that much so he couldn’t be drunk. One wonders why Nutless is paying so much attention to Just Bob, hmmm how long will Nutless’ wife be in Peru. Twinkle Dick solved the problem by pointing out that Bob had been pounding the foul piss since before the trail started. So now he’s not only a late drunk but an early one as well. Poor JB was standing in the street dodging cars like a game of Frogger. Open Wide and Likes To Lick were busy taking bets on how long he’d last. Spanky helped out by acting as timer. Pity Pump Fake not only did Scarlett O’Hairy turn him down but Almond Joy as well. Apparently AJ didn’t feel like nuts. The party moved to Rock Soup Jackoff’s new eatery where the insanity continued inside. Just Jason who is still being watched for stupidity ended up doing his best Billy Joel impression. A late arriving Dick Chick offered to give him a real tip if he could play her song but he claimed to not know I’m Easy Like Sunday Morning. King Rongjon offered to sing it she’d hum it for him. Oh well, play it again Sam. Cheers,