GPH3 Run #454: Tits-16, Cocks-0
: 12/13/2001
: Unknown
: Scarlett O'Hairy
: Tongueless

Run #454 Tits-16, Cocks-0

No one knew what to expect last Thursday since our hare Scarlett O’Hairy’s usual partner in crime Wankers Island has jumped bail and fled to Peru. Scarlett was using, if that’s the word, an untested Rhett Butthole and the pack held its collective breath waiting to see if he could perform; rumor has it that Scarlett was interested in his performance in other ways. Sadly we can’t comment on Rhett’s performance for Scarlett but we can say that at least he didn’t embarrass her as a cohare. Truth be told, a rarity, Scarlett failed to post so what the pack *an was Rhett’s handiwork. .El Toro Loco was the scene of the crime as it has been so many times. The Gypsies, doglike, returned to the scene of many vomiting episodes. The pack and dark clouds gathered together in front of the restaurant sending a shiver of fear through the civilians of Pacifica. Gored Bush famous as part of the stereo sex team who gave a whole new meaning to twin speakers the last time she performed as a Gypsy priestess sacrificed a virgin Daniela to Gypsy lust. Like Rhett for Scarlett Daniela’s reading of the Sacred Missal did nothing to tarnish Gored Bush’s reputation, GB can pimp for the Gypsies anytime. While still in a state of religious ecstasy and with thoughts of the Jell-o, shot, and beer checks dancing in their half minds the pack was off. Trail took the pack toward the high school track and, what else, stairs. Tongueless and Fits In still sounding like a very large TB ward took Whippet In and Whippet Out for what they thought would be a stroll. No sooner had the hell hounds sniffed their fist bit of chalk than they were tearing off looking for trail. The next thing our unworthies knew they were slogging along the trail in the dark enjoying the wind and the rain with the rest of the pack. The only saving grace for Tongueless who was at Whippet Out’s mercy was seeing and hearing Drill Me beg Badger not to drag her to her death. One wonders whether her promise to let Badger gnaw on D’anglin Anglin on the way back to Napa was actually kept. While not one of Scarlett’s traditional death marches the weather did its best to send pack members to bed with the ague. Poor Likes To Lick was so certain that he would melt that he tearfully begged the jacket off the already ill Tongueless in an effort to keep himself dry and warm, where is OW when he needs her. The pack was in a particular rush to finish as there was a rumor that Dick Chick had promised to bare her bouncy brace. In fact Apple Pie Ho from FHAC-U had ventured north just in case. On the other hand the thought of seeing bare breasts was too much for Broken Trojan who buggered off home. Once back at the start Scarlett filled the Sacred Bucket with a potion so vile that many thought it was a case of Gerbil and Bigfoot redux. Fits In immediately denied all involvement in the concoction. Huevos Rancheros our kind host provided a meal of chili with rice, corn bread, and salad. The pack was soon mellow with full bellies and plenty of alcohol to addle what little minds they had left. Donning his cap of office Enter The Gerbil convoked the circle and with King Rongjon standing by wielding the Sword Of Power a well deserved hush of fear fell over the room. With the King looking on ETG began doling out punishment to assorted evil doers and punishment it was what with Gerbil playing drink roulette between Scarlett’s poison and peppermint schnapps. Newboot Glen was brought up and spent an interminable amount of time deciding to do nothing. Apparently where he comes from his chest is considered an intimate body part. The bimbo consensus was that he continues to think that and not show it again. Newboot Michael announced that it was Dick Chick who made him cum leading Tongueless to wonder if Michael rowed the ho ashore. The King led his vassals in a rousing rendition of Clint Meets the Gay Caballero. At this point power was seized by a contingent of the Gypsy Bimbos for Liberating Fronts. Leading the beatific bimbos Bigfoot belched the room to silence announcing that any male wielding a camera had best be prepared to eat it. With that the fearsome fems lined up and flashed their bouncy, perky pairs to the udder joy of every stiff or in Chickless Boner’s case stiff wannabe cock in the room The bevy of breasts *an the gamut from Fits In’s golden oldies to Tits 4 Hires cash crop. Semen Monster produced a pair of eye popping nipples that left the pack sorry to see her head off to be easy in the islands. The sight of Handjob For Humanity’s pert pair had SCAF giving himself a handjob. Gagging on his drink Mr. Poopie Pants from FHAC-U lived up to his name and Six Of Nine the FHAC-U’s demented munchkin had to lead his dazed and dazzled compatriot to the men’s room for a quick cleaning. When last seen McTaco was still reeling in his tongue. Sad to say Beats Me only flashed a jog bra and Gored Bush and Daniela just went through the motions. Oh yes, mammaries are made of this. Cheers,